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A blog post

The “Vision Thing”

Posted on the 22 February, 2012 at 2:49 am Written by in All, Business Strategy

If you haven’t already seen Corning’s “vision” of the future, it’s worth a look… The video is well done, although it’s a bit long (and an even longer version is available!).

We’ve helped several clients create “What’s Possible” presentations. The point is not so much to present a literal description of a future product or service as much as help a company’s constituents “see” how the firm’s products or services might be integrated into how a person lives or how a company does business.

“What’s Possible” pieces like this have countless uses: engaging employees, customers, investors. And the envisioning process itself is a terrific way to leverage employee knowledge of customers and products.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of creating something as professionally produced as the video from Corning. Even if your end product is a Powerpoint presentation. Just be sure to include lots of visualizations like storyboards, diagrams or maps.

Something to consider the next time you are having trouble getting your team to think “outside the box.”
